Monthly Archives: May 2015

5 months later

We’ve now been back home almost as long as we were gone.  Our days have been filled with quotidian rhythms: school, work, dance, soccer, choir. It’s been blissfully ordinary. In some ways, it’s been hard, too.  We miss walking everywhere and spending lots of time together as a family.  Some days I really long for the slow pace that Oxford afforded.


On the other hand, we love being back with friends, in our house, and having some semblance of a schedule.  (Not that I minded a schedule that involved training to London for the day; it’s just not sustainable.)

Over the past five months, we’ve settled into the new house and actually hung things on the walls.  We’ve watched our flower gardens explode with color and sat under the twinkling lights on our back patio. We’ve driven Texas backroads and drunk in the expanse of sky. We’ve cheered JA’s first choir concert and Molly’s first games.  We’ve celebrated a 12 year old and a 9 year old.  We’ve shared meals with dear friends.  We’ve eaten gallons of salsa.  And we’ve planned future adventures.

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But today was the girls last day of school! (We were dragging ourselves to the finish line — I’m not sure Molly was on time to school one day this week!) So we’re back to a little slower pace.  The girls have some activities this summer and I’ve got plans for our summer learning schedule. For today, though, we’ll swim, sleep in, read, and enjoy the slower pace.  (And I’ll make a promise to blog more regularly than every 5 months.)


