Monthly Archives: April 2010

Little Traveler

I know I am behind on blogging and have a lot to catch up with in the next few days, but I was thinking about what a traveler Jane Anne is.  In her seven years of life, she has been to Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Yellowstone, Denver/Boulder/Colorado Springs, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Atlanta, Nashville, Louisville, Charleston, New York, and Washington DC.  She had enough frequent flier miles on her own account to by a one-way ticket to DC.  And, of course, in a few months she’ll be jet setting off to Europe for four months.  Bless her heart, she’s had such a hard childhood.

Molly’s Chin + Driveway=

Fun in Fort Worth

Over Spring Break we took a short day trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.  A lot of the museum is hands on, so the girls had a great time!

Molly experimenting with wind.

Jane Anne playing with light.

Molly checking out the babies in the hospital nursery.

JA building.

After some time at the museum, we saw “Sharks” at the IMAX.  Aside from Molly, “feeling freaky” when she first sat down.  The girls loved the movie!!